Most of my work is also hosted on LingBuzz. If the LingBuzz server is down, just contact me for a copy.
Brian Buccola. To appear. Higher-order plurality: To what degree?. Sinn und Bedeutung 29.
Yaxuan Wang and Brian Buccola. 2024. Speaker-oriented additives. University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics 31(1).
Ye Ma, Brian Buccola, Shannon Cousins, and Alan Beretta. 2023. A self-paced reading study of context effects in the processing of aspectual verbs in Mandarin. Language and Cognition. 1–25.
Yaxuan Wang and Brian Buccola. 2023. Weakening the trivalent semantics of quantifiers: Evidence from Mandarin Chinese. West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL) 41.
Brian Buccola and Daniel Goodhue. 2023. The effect of intonation on scalar and ignorance inferences. Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS) 59.
Ye Ma, Brian Buccola, Zinan Wang, Aline Godfroid, Shannon Cousins, and Alan Beretta. 2023. Expressions with aspectual verbs elicit slower reading times than those with psychological verbs: An eye-tracking study in Mandarin Chinese. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 52. 179–215. (free view)
Brian Buccola. 2022. A higher-order plurality solution to Xiang’s (2021) puzzle. Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) 32. 413–419.
Isabelle Dautriche, Brian Buccola, Mélissa Berthet, Joël Fagot, and Emmanuel Chemla. 2022. Evidence for compositionality in baboons (Papio papio) through the test case of negation. Scientific Reports 12(19181). 1–12.
Jeremy Kuhn, David Nicolas, and Brian Buccola. 2022. Deriving dimensions of comparison. Snippets 43. 1–3.
Brian Buccola, Manuel Križ, and Emmanuel Chemla. 2022. Conceptual alternatives: Competition in language and beyond. Linguistics and Philosophy 45. 265–291. (free view | preprint)
Brian Buccola, Jeremy Kuhn, and David Nicolas. 2021. Groups vs. covers revisited: Structured pluralities and symmetric readings. Natural Language Semantics 29. 509–525. (free view | preprint)
Brian Buccola and Luka Crnič. 2021. NPIs, intervention, and collectivity. Semantics and Pragmatics 14. 1–24.
Brian Buccola and Andreas Haida. 2020. How obligatory irrelevance, symmetric alternatives, and dense scales conspire: The case of modified numerals and ignorance. Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) 30. 464–484.
Brian Buccola and Emmanuel Chemla. 2019. Alternatives of disjunctions: When a disjunct contains the antecedent of a pronoun. Snippets 37. 16–18.
Luka Crnič and Brian Buccola. 2019. Scoping NPIs out of DPs. Snippets 37. 19–21.
Brian Buccola and Andreas Haida. 2019. Obligatory irrelevance and the computation of ignorance inferences. Journal of Semantics 36(4). 583–616.
For the 2017 version that treats modified numerals, click here.
Emmanuel Chemla, Isabelle Dautriche, Brian Buccola, and Joël Fagot. 2019. Constraints on the lexicons of human languages have cognitive roots present in baboons (Papio papio). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116(30). 14926–14930.
Emmanuel Chemla, Brian Buccola, and Isabelle Dautriche. 2019. Connecting content and logical words. Journal of Semantics 36(3). 531–547.
Brian Buccola, Isabelle Dautriche, and Emmanuel Chemla. 2018. Competition and symmetry in an artificial word learning task. Frontiers in Psychology 9(2176).
Brian Buccola. 2018. A restriction on the distribution of exclusive only. Snippets 33. 3–4.
Brian Buccola and Andreas Haida. 2017. Expressing agent indifference in German. Amsterdam Colloquium 21. 165–174.
Brian Buccola and Andreas Haida. 2017. A surface-scope analysis of authoritative readings of modified numerals. Sinn und Bedeutung 21. 233–248.
Brian Buccola and Benjamin Spector. 2016. Modified numerals and maximality. Linguistics and Philosophy 39(3). 151–199. (preprint)
Brian Buccola. 2016. Severing maximality from fewer than: Evidence from genericity. Sinn und Bedeutung 20. 127–144.
Brian Buccola. 2015. Variable monotonicity and less than: When Van Benthem’s problem is not a problem. North East Linguistic Society (NELS) 45. 125–134.
Brian Buccola. 2013. On the expressivity of Optimality Theory versus ordered rewrite rules. Formal Grammar. 142–158. (preprint)
Bernhard Schwarz, Brian Buccola, and Michael Hamilton. 2012. Two types of class B numeral modifiers: A reply to Nouwen 2010. Semantics and Pragmatics 5(1). 1–25.
(in various stages of being in preparation, under review, in revision, defended, or abandoned)
Amir Anvari, Brian Buccola, and Andreas Haida. 2018. Alternative Questions in Farsi. (slides from the workshop “Meaning in non-canonical questions”, University of Konstanz)
Brian Buccola and Emmanuel Chemla. 2018. Two notes on the disjunct alternatives of disjunction.
Brian Buccola. 2017. Bare numerals, collectivity, and genericity: A new puzzle.
Brian Buccola. 2015. Maximality in the semantics of modified numerals. Montreal, Canada: McGill University PhD thesis.
Brian Buccola. 2013. Two proofs that classic Optimality Theory is expressively weaker than ordered rewrite rules. Montreal, Canada: McGill University second evaluation paper. (Mostly superseded by Buccola 2013, Formal Grammar; see above.)
Brian Buccola. 2012. Some remarks on inference patterns involving epistemic modality. Montreal, Canada: McGill University first evaluation paper.